About Us

The International Foundation for Solidarity with Prisoners (Solidarity) aims to raise awareness of the issue of Palestinian prisoners in the prisons of the Israeli occupation and to create the largest active solidarity network to support their cause in local, regional and international forums.
The Foundation works to achieve this through the following:
Reaffirming that the prisoners are not just a humanitarian issue, but rather one of the most important political and national issues that should be placed at the top of the political, media, public and struggle agenda.
Establishing a wide network of partners, supporters, and solidarity with the issue of Palestinian prisoners, in universities, parties, and various institutions around the world.
Communicate with the various traditional and digital media outlets and provide them with media content on the issue of prisoners and detainees in the Israeli occupation prisons.
Studying and discussing many important issues of Palestinian detainees from the humanitarian, legal and media aspects, and publishing them in the context of introducing their just cause.
Carrying out media campaigns to support the issues of Palestinian detainees and to show solidarity with them, targeting Arab and Islamic peoples, European and Western countries in general.
Carrying out joint solidarity activities with sister institutions and advocacy for our people's issues in their various locations.
Communicating and coordinating with various human rights organizations at the local and international levels to reveal Israeli violations against detainees in Israeli prisons.