WAFA correspondent said the Israeli forces broke into homes in Ras al-Amoud and Beit Hanina neighborhoods of occupied East Jerusalem, taking away money and jewelry, as well as other goods, including cars owned by any member of the family or seizing bank accounts for the parents of the prisoner claiming the prisoners were receiving allowance money from the Palestinian Authority during their imprisonment.
The far-right Israeli government decided to seize the money from all Palestinian prisoners as a punishment for receiving allowances from the Palestinian government.
At least 80 former or current Palestinian prisoners from Jerusalem or inside Israel who served time in Israeli jails for their resistance of the occupation are going to be part of this vicious Israeli government campaign.
The Israeli parliament also approved yesterday a law that would strip Palestinian prisoners from occupied East Jerusalem or inside Israel of their residency rights in the occupied city or citizenship in Israel and expel them and their families to territories outside Israel or Jerusalem.