Execution of Prisoner Sheikh Khader Adnan After 87-Day Hunger Strike.

A Call for Solidarity with the Issues of the Captive Movement in All Places of Palestinian Presence

The Execution of the Prisoner Sheikh Khader Adnan after 86-Day Hunger Strike as a Result of Deliberate MedicalNegligence in the Israeli Occupation Prisons.

The Israeli occupation executed the icon martyr Sheikh Khader Adnan today after an 86-day hunger strike and fought the battle of the empty Intestines. The occupation authorities deliberately neglected Adnan was deprived him of necessary medical treatments, he was also prevented from meeting his family or lawyer, and he was isolated from other prisoners. Adnan became the 237th martyr murdered in Israeli occupation prisons, he went on five hunger strikes before, in protest of his arbitrary detention and the occupation’s racist policies including administrative detention, solitary confinement, and torture.

What Sheikh Khader Adnan was subjected to, from deliberate medical neglect and isolation in a solitary cell, is a systematic execution practiced by the Israeli occupation against Palestinian prisoners. This is a serious violation of international standards on the rights of prisoners, and an expression of the approach of the racist occupation government, to begin implementing draft laws on the execution of Palestinian Prisoners. The draft laws were approved in the preliminary reading in the «Knesset» as an experimental proactive step to measure the reaction of the International official level and of the Palestinian people level.

The Israeli District Court rejected the Physicians for Human Rights Association’s request to transfer the prisoner Sheikh Adnan to the hospital and receive medical care, the court also rejected Adnan’s family from visiting him. This action confirms the occupation’s lack of respect for international and humanitarian conventions.

Moreover, it necessitates the international community to call to stop double standards that guarantee immunity to perpetrators of war crimes and crimes against humanity and encourage them to escalate their crimes against the Palestinian people in general, and Palestinian prisoners in the occupation prisons in particular.

The assassination of the prisoner Sheikh Khader Adnan is the assassination of a fighter who is considered one of the most prominent heroic prisoners who fought the battles of the hunger strike in refusal of administrative detention, as his pure body is still being held and the occupation refuses to hand it over to his family. It is a vivid embodiment of the scale of violations and the horrific crimes committed by the occupation against the Captive Movement, especially prisoners with critical health conditions, who suffer from the policy of deliberate medical neglect. This policy puts hundreds of prisoners on slow death row to meet the same fate as the martyr Khader Adnan. Moreover, the current health status of the cancer-stricken prisoner Walid Daqqa is not far from the danger to which the martyr Khader Adnan was exposed.

The prisoner Adnan is considered one of the prisoners who fought individual strikes most of all, in which he defeated the jailer, by fulfilling all his requests, as his experiences and successes paved the way for administrative detainees to fight empty intestines battles. However, after he went through five previous and successful individual hunger strikes, a decision was issued by the occupation authority to execute him in his last strike, which moved the Palestinian people to protest against them, and highlighted the issue of prisoners as a human rights issue.


Press Release

2 May 2023


Since 1967, the Israeli occupation authorities have issued more than 50 thousand administrative detention decisions against Palestinians, between a new determination and a renewal decision of detention, according to the Commission of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs. More than 1,010 administrative detainees are under administrative detention without charge or trial, the highest number of administrative detainees since 2003.

The occupation authorities claim that according to Article 78 of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War (1949) - the Fourth Convention -, they have the right to detain people under their authority of the occupation for administrative detention, but the circumstances in which the occupation authority uses this method of detention are inconsistent with the conditions under the International Convention and other international standards for a fair trial. It is clear that the Convention speaks of administrative detention in a very emergency situation and as an inevitable last resort, and if there is a possibility of imposing house arrest, it has priority because it is less harmful to the person.


The International Foundation for Solidarity with Prisoners (Tadamon), within the framework of its support for Palestinian and Arab prisoners in Israeli occupation prisons, emphasizes the following:

1- Invite the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to intervene and ensure that the occupying state is obligated to respect the provisions of the Convention, and to stop the systematic “Israeli” violations against Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons. In addition to this, to take serious and immediate action to ensure the abolition of administrative detention, as well as to stop issuing misleading and unjustified indictments against the Palestinian people, while they are suffering under the «Israeli» occupation without any guarantees or control over the validity of these unjust indictments.

2- Asking and addressing the United Nations, the International Committee of the Red Cross and the World Health Organization for immediate and serious intervention to stand up to their responsibilities toward the Palestinian and Arab prisoners in the Israeli occupation prisons.

3- Prosecute the Zionist officials for the crimes of willful medical negligence and impose penalties on them by the International Criminal Court.

4- Take serious legal action on the issue of prisoners on hunger strike, and not giving way to the occupation tyrannize them and executing them, whether by deliberate medical negligence or tyrannize them during their individual strikes.

5- Activate the media networks in the individual battles fought by the prisoners on hunger strike, as the time factor in such battles is very important in supporting them.

6- Create an effective networks and direct channels with specialists in the United Nations, the Red Cross and Human Rights Committees to support prisoners on hunger strike.

7- Enhance the presence of a global human rights network, that puts pressures on international institutions, and calls to take serious action to save the prisoners on hunger strike, and those in solitary confinement, or detainees with critical health condition.

8- Calls on Palestinian and international human rights, and media institutions to support the empty intestines battle waged by the blind prisoner Ezz al-Din Amarna (51 years) for the tenth day in a row, in protest to his administrative detention in the occupation prisons.

9- Call on the United Nations not to suffice with calling on the occupation state to conduct a comprehensive investigation into the martyrdom of the symbolic prisoner Khader Adnan, but also to oblige them to apply international laws and conventions that protect prisoners and their rights.

The International Foundation for Solidarity with Prisoners


May 2, 2023


(Press Release PDF File Is Attached Above)